THE KUTIL UTILITIES (8/29/96) Type KHELP to see this file. Codes: S - source code provided B - the command is a batch file D - documentation provided in .DOC file H - help available via typing just the command name General Utilities: Code ACODE state_abrv - lists area codes for that state (as of 1985) H ADDLF source dest - adds line feed after carriage return w/o LF SH ADD2PATH dir - appends dir to front of path via SET PATH=%1;%PATH% B CAL - a calendar viewer; month at a time via PgUp & PgDn S CDX wild_dir - changes to drive and dir of first to meet wild_dir spec SH CLIP in_file out_file start_pos #_bytes_to_copy - copies part of in_file SH CLIPTHIS file start_pos #_bytes_to_copy - keeps part of file, calls CLIP BH CMPDIR spec1 [spec2] [/U1/U2/C/B/F1/F2] - compares 2 dirs, CMPDIR for help SH COPYTO infile [d:][outfile] - copies big file to 1+ disks, COPYTO for help SH COPYFROM [d:][infile] [outfile] - restores COPYTO files, COPYFROM for help SH COUNT wildspec [min_word_size] - counts lines and words in wildspec SH D [wildspec] - a great dir manager, sorts, browses, deletes, copies, etc. SH DELDUPIN dir - deletes all files in dir that are also in current directory B DD [spec1 [spec2]] - sorted dir cmd; allows PgUp/Dn & 2 dirs side-by-side D DIR_OUT wild_file > out_file - send filename and path to file for sorting S DIRD [d:][path] - shows subdirectories of current or specified directory S DIRSIZE [path] - shows size of path and each directory in the path S DUMP file - dumps file in HEX to screen; append > file2 to save output H DUPFIND d1 [d2 ...] > file - finds all duplicate files on drives d1,d2... H E [wildspec] - simple full screen ASCII editor; multiwindow, mouse support S EBCDICTA in_file out_file - converts EBCDICT to ASCII S EDBOOT - edits config.sys, autoexec.bat, win.ini, system.ini, and boot.txt B EE2 - Environment and path editor; press F1 for help D ENCRYPT file - encrypts & unencrypts files SH EPATH - lets you edit the PATH via e B FDIR wild_dir_spec - finds directories meeting spec across all hard drives SH FF1 - sends a form feed to LPT1: aka PRN: aka printer 1 FREE [d:] - shows available disk space (fast) D GREP [-rlcnvidzuwo] searchstring file[s] - searchs files for string DH HEXFREQ file - shows frequency of each byte in the file S INFO [A:] - shows disk space for all hard drives [and floppies] S INSTALL dir - installs KUTIL to dir B K - edits this file via E B KHELP - views this file via LIST B LIST wildspec - Lists file(s) to screen, use PgUp, etc; press F1 for help S MCD dir - MD and CD of dir B MAPX - displays map of memory usage, memory resident & TSR utilization D MERGE wildspec merge_file - concatenates text files with header line SH NO wild_file_spec cmd - executes cmd with files temporarily hidden D PCOPY wildspec [wildspec] - Super copy program H PCOPY s1 [s2] /U - update with new & newer only PCOPY s1 [s2] /DS - copy s1 tree under s2 PCOPY s1 [s2] /P - pause for conformation before copying each file PDEL wildspec - Super delete program, BE CAREFUL, PARTICULARLY WITH /S H PDEL wildspec /P - pause to confirm PDEL [d:]dir /DI - deletes all files in dir tree; use DOS cmd DELTREE PDEL /S - traverse directories; deletes ALL FILES ON DISK !@# PDEL *.BAK /S - deletes all BAK files on disk PKZIP zip_name wild_file_spec - compress files to zip_name.ZIP H PKUNZIP zip_name - uncompress from from zip_name.ZIP H QE file - quick edit; a small full screen editor; uses wordstar commands S RAM - Shows the conventional RAM you have, have used and have available. REM_FF in_file out_file - changes all form feed chars to blank SH REM_LF in_file out_file - changes all line feed chars to blank SH RENDIR [drive:]path new_name - renames a directory; Novell is different REPLACE f1 f2 - replaces contents of f2 with the contents of f1 SH REP_ALL wildspec [search_for replace_with] - replaces tokens in all files SH SAVE file.ext - makes backup copy file.nnn, where nnn is next avail seq # SH SCOPY file1 file2 - Single drive copy utility SEARCH wild_file_spec - lists all files from curr dir down that meet spec SEECOLOR file - displays .SEE files in color; try SEECOLOR SEECOLOR SH SHOWTIME - displays current time and date S STOPWTCH dos_cmd [cmd_args] - Stopwatch; times the dos command D STYPE file - types file in slow scroll D SWEEP cmd - does cmd for curr dir and its subdirs, e.g., SWEEP DEL *.BAK T wildspec - types file(s) to screen using LIST command B TABS2SPC in_file out_file n_spaces - converts tabs to n_spaces SH TEXT -args [input output] - multipurpose filter, args can be: DH f - TEXT acts as a filter, e.g. TEXT -fsq < IN.DAT > OUT.DAT d - delete all white space l - delete all leading white space on each line t - delete all trailing white space on each line r - reduce all white space to a single blank space u - convert to upper case s - convert to lower case q - do not alter text within single or double quotes TYPEWRITE - turns your PC into a typewriter. Type TYPEWRITE for help. SH UNZIPIT - Restores ZIP.ZIP files to orignial tree structure; see ZIPIT B UPLOCASE - converts Pascal or FORTRAN to up/low case excl. comments & strs.SH UUDECODE in_file [out_file] - converts in_file from ASCII uuencode format DH UUENCODE in_file [out_file] - converts in_file to ASCII uuencode format DH WHICH wildcmd - searchs path for cmd and reports where it found it/them. S ZIP2EXE name - converts name.ZIP to name.EXE, a self-extracting EXE H ZIPIT - moves files in current dir and subdirs to ZIP.ZIP; see UNZIPIT B RAM resident utilities: ALARM hh:mm|-|+ - to set alarm, turn off or turn on display of time. D CLK - displays clock in upper right corner DOS-EDIT - command line editor, arrow keys recall and edit previous cmds D DSKWATCH - warns you of disk errors before DOS does(DOS waits for 5+ errs) D FP [dir;...] - makes a "data" path; now you can open files in other dirs KEY-FAKE "str" nn @ee - stuffs keyboard buffer, nn ASCII, ee ext key code D LPTX [?] [-n -O|-A|-C file] - Capture LPTn to a file; Open,Append,Close D Batch utilities: ADDPAUSE infile outfile - adds PAUSE before each line; for stepping BATs SH ALTDOWN - is Alt key down? ALTDOWN / IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ALT_IS_DOWN S ASK prompt - ask yes-no questions; ASK DONE ? / IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO Y D BEEP - beeps BUFFIT /Bn/Km/H - review previous screens, n = buffer size(def=20000) D m is hot key code, suggest 120 for Alt-1, /H is for help CONT_AT hh:mm - continues execution at hh:mm, shift-shift to exit early S DELAY millisec - Delays until key is pressed or timeout SH ISDOWN key - return ERRORLEVEL 1 if key is down, super set of ALTDOWN SH POPDIR - CD's to subdirectory on the stack; see PUSHDIR PUSHDIR - A TSR; pushes current subdirectory spec on a stack; see POPDIR D PUSH_DIR [bat_spec | ?] - creates pop_dir.bat; not a TSR; ? for help S DOS 6.2 utilities: FC file1 file2 - compares two files; shows differences CHOICE ... DELTREE ...