THE KUTIL UTILITIES (8/5/98) Most of these utilities were written by Thomas Kisko, All the utilities with source code are in the public domain. Most of the rest are also freeware. Type KHELP to see this file. Codes: S - source code provided B - the command is a batch file D - documentation provided in .DOC file H - help available via typing just the command name General Utilities: Code ACODE state_abrv - lists area codes for that state (as of 1985) H ADDLF source dest - adds line feed after carriage return w/o LF SH ADD2PATH dir - appends dir to front of path via SET PATH=%1;%PATH% B CAL - a calendar viewer; month at a time via PgUp & PgDn S CDX wild_dir - changes to drive and dir of first to meet wild_dir spec SH CLIP in_file out_file start_pos #_bytes_to_copy - copies part of in_file SH CLIPTHIS file start_pos #_bytes_to_copy - keeps part of file, calls CLIP BH CMPDIR spec1 [spec2] [/U1/U2/C/B/F1/F2] - compares 2 dirs, CMPDIR for help SH COPYTO infile [d:][outfile] - copies big file to 1+ disks, COPYTO for help SH COPYFROM [d:][infile] [outfile] - restores COPYTO files, COPYFROM for help SH COUNT wildspec [min_word_size] - counts lines and words in wildspec SH D [wildspec] - a great dir manager, sorts, browses, deletes, copies, etc. SH DELDUPIN dir - deletes all files in dir that are also in current directory B DD [spec1 [spec2]] - sorted dir cmd; allows PgUp/Dn & 2 dirs side-by-side D DIR_OUT wild_file > out_file - send filename and path to file for sorting S DIRD [d:][path] - shows subdirectories of current or specified directory S DIRSIZE [path] - shows size of path and each directory in the path S DUMP file - dumps file in HEX to screen; append > file2 to save output H DUPFIND d1 [d2 ...] > file - finds all duplicate files on drives d1,d2... H E [wildspec] - simple full screen ASCII editor; multiwindow, mouse support S EBCDICTA in_file out_file - converts EBCDICT to ASCII S EDBOOT - edits config.sys, autoexec.bat, win.ini, system.ini, and boot.txt B EE2 - Environment and path editor; press F1 for help D ENCRYPT file - encrypts & unencrypts files SH EPATH - lets you edit the PATH via e B FDIR wild_dir_spec - finds directories meeting spec across all hard drives SH FF1 - sends a form feed to LPT1: aka PRN: aka printer 1 FREE [d:] - shows available disk space (fast) D GREP [-rlcnvidzuwo] searchstring file[s] - searchs files for string DH HEXFREQ file - shows frequency of each byte in the file S INFO [A:] - shows disk space for all hard drives [and floppies] S INSTALL dir - installs KUTIL to dir B K - edits this file via E B KHELP - views this file via LIST B LIST wildspec - Lists file(s) to screen, use PgUp, etc; press F1 for help S MCD dir - MD and CD of dir B MAPX - displays map of memory usage, memory resident & TSR utilization D MERGE wildspec merge_file - concatenates text files with header line SH NO wild_file_spec cmd - executes cmd with files temporarily hidden D PCOPY wildspec [wildspec] - Super copy program H PCOPY s1 [s2] /U - update with new & newer only PCOPY s1 [s2] /DS - copy s1 tree under s2 PCOPY s1 [s2] /P - pause for conformation before copying each file PDEL wildspec - Super delete program, BE CAREFUL, PARTICULARLY WITH /S H PDEL wildspec /P - pause to confirm PDEL [d:]dir /DI - deletes all files in dir tree; use DOS cmd DELTREE PDEL /S - traverse directories; deletes ALL FILES ON DISK !@# PDEL *.BAK /S - deletes all BAK files on disk PKZIP zip_name wild_file_spec - compress files to zip_name.ZIP H PKUNZIP zip_name - uncompress from from zip_name.ZIP H QE file - quick edit; a small full screen editor; uses wordstar commands S RAM - Shows the conventional RAM you have, have used and have available. REM_FF in_file out_file - changes all form feed chars to blank SH REM_LF in_file out_file - changes all line feed chars to blank SH RENDIR [drive:]path new_name - renames a directory; Novell is different REPLACE f1 f2 - replaces contents of f2 with the contents of f1 SH REP_ALL wildspec [search_for replace_with] - replaces tokens in all files SH SAVE file.ext - makes backup copy file.nnn, where nnn is next avail seq # SH SCOPY file1 file2 - Single drive copy utility SEARCH wild_file_spec - lists all files from curr dir down that meet spec SEECOLOR file - displays .SEE files in color; try SEECOLOR SEECOLOR SH SHOWTIME - displays current time and date S STOPWTCH dos_cmd [cmd_args] - Stopwatch; times the dos command D STYPE file - types file in slow scroll D SWEEP cmd - does cmd for curr dir and its subdirs, e.g., SWEEP DEL *.BAK T wildspec - types file(s) to screen using LIST command B TABS2SPC in_file out_file n_spaces - converts tabs to n_spaces SH TEXT -args [input output] - multipurpose filter, args can be: DH f - TEXT acts as a filter, e.g. TEXT -fsq < IN.DAT > OUT.DAT d - delete all white space l - delete all leading white space on each line t - delete all trailing white space on each line r - reduce all white space to a single blank space u - convert to upper case s - convert to lower case q - do not alter text within single or double quotes TYPEWRITE - turns your PC into a typewriter. Type TYPEWRITE for help. SH UNZIPIT - Restores ZIP.ZIP files to orignial tree structure; see ZIPIT B UPLOCASE - converts Pascal or FORTRAN to up/low case excl. comments & strs.SH UUDECODE in_file [out_file] - converts in_file from ASCII uuencode format DH UUENCODE in_file [out_file] - converts in_file to ASCII uuencode format DH WHICH wildcmd - searchs path for cmd and reports where it found it/them. S ZIP2EXE name - converts name.ZIP to name.EXE, a self-extracting EXE H ZIPIT - moves files in current dir and subdirs to ZIP.ZIP; see UNZIPIT B RAM resident utilities: ALARM hh:mm|-|+ - to set alarm, turn off or turn on display of time. D CLK - displays clock in upper right corner DOS-EDIT - command line editor, arrow keys recall and edit previous cmds D DSKWATCH - warns you of disk errors before DOS does(DOS waits for 5+ errs) D FP [dir;...] - makes a "data" path; now you can open files in other dirs KEY-FAKE "str" nn @ee - stuffs keyboard buffer, nn ASCII, ee ext key code D LPTX [?] [-n -O|-A|-C file] - Capture LPTn to a file; Open,Append,Close D Batch utilities: ADDPAUSE infile outfile - adds PAUSE before each line; for stepping BATs SH ALTDOWN - is Alt key down? ALTDOWN / IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ALT_IS_DOWN S ASK prompt - ask yes-no questions; ASK DONE ? / IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO Y D BEEP - beeps BUFFIT /Bn/Km/H - review previous screens, n = buffer size(def=20000) D m is hot key code, suggest 120 for Alt-1, /H is for help CONT_AT hh:mm - continues execution at hh:mm, shift-shift to exit early S DELAY millisec - Delays until key is pressed or timeout SH ISDOWN key - return ERRORLEVEL 1 if key is down, super set of ALTDOWN SH POPDIR - CD's to subdirectory on the stack; see PUSHDIR PUSHDIR - A TSR; pushes current subdirectory spec on a stack; see POPDIR D PUSH_DIR [bat_spec | ?] - creates pop_dir.bat; not a TSR; ? for help S