SUMMARY OF THE WINDOWS PROGRAM CODE IN BORLAND 5 C++ IN 21 DAYS Listing format is: file_name - description: key_concepts_demonstrated DAY12 - Programming Windows with OWL5 FIRST.CPP - Displays a blank screen: OWLMain, window title REAL.CPP - Crude editor: paint, menu, ASCII keystrokes, window size DAY13 - Basic Windows READONLY.CPP - "This is Line Number": mouse click, MessageBox, CanClose TEXTSIZE.CPP - Enhance READONLY: scroll bar, fonts DAY14 - OWL Controls MRCALC.CPP - Calculator: static, edit, multiline edit & button controls DAY15 - Dialog Boxes DIALOG1.CPP - Yea or Nay: dialog, text & button controls DIALOG2.CPP - Search dialog: transferbuffer, more controls DAY16 - Grouped Controls WIDGETS.CPP - Widget selection - group, radio & check DAY17 - List-Box Controls CTLLST.CPP - Name list with add, del, get, set, etc.: list box XFERLIST.CPP - Xfer between 2 lists: list box DAY18 - Scroll Bars, Combo Boxes, and VBX Controls COUNTDN.CPP - Scroll down every second: scroll bar, timer CALCJR.CPP - pull doun list of operands and operators: combo box DAY19 - MDI Windows MDI1.CPP MDI2.CPP DAY 20 - The Application and Class Experts EXPRTAPP.CPP - AppExpert application, several files: automatic code generation DAY21 - OLE 2 SPOTAPP.CPP - The Spot project, several CPP files: OLE EC1 - Debugging BUG.CPP EC2- Common Dialog Boxes FINDREP.CPP GETCOLOR.CPP INPUTDLG.CPP OPENFILE.CPP EC3 - Windows 95 and Windows NT Common Controls GASLIDER.CPP GAUGE\GAUGE.CPP TABS\TABS.CPP TOOLTIP\TOOLTIP.CPP UPDOWN\UPDOWN.CPP EC4 - The Resource Editor