Four 14ers in one day!
I climbed Mt. Democrat 14,148', Mt. Cameron 14,238', Mt. Lincoln 14,286',
and Mt. Bross 14,172' on 9/20/17. My 69th birthday present to myself.
It was tough and very windy! Over 8 miles of up and down with lots of loose rock.
All photos were taken with my LG G3 cell phone.
1 - Posted trail map, starts at Kite Lake. I went clockwise.
2 - I began at 6:00 am, dark enough to need a head lamp for a few minutes. Now enough light for a photo.
3 - Nothing but rocks for much of the way up Mt. Democrat.
4 - West view from the top of Mt. Democrat
5 - NW view, U road heads right to Copper Mountain Resort
6 - NNW view
7 - N view
8 - NE view, Mt. Cameron and Mt. Lincoln small peak beyond
9 - E view, Mt Bross
10 - ESE view, looking back at the road to the trail head, which is hidden by the cliff below me
11 - S view
12 - SSW view, Middle left is Mt. Sherman, which I climbed in 2015
13 - SW view
14 - Me on my way down Mt. Democrat, not too steep here
15 - Continuing on to Mt. Cameron, down and up the ridge, and Mt. Lincoln, the peak just left and beyond Cameron
16 - Not much of a trail to Mt Cameron, just up that ridge
17 - Mt Cameron
18 - Heading up the Mt. Cameron ridge, more rocks
19 - Mt. Lincoln from Mt. Cameron
20 - On my way up Lincoln, looking back towards Cameron (and Democrat to the right)
21 - Final Ascent of Mt. Lincoln
22 - Me at the top of Lincoln, very windy and cold
23 - Hoosier Pass to Breckenridge below me
24 - Cameron and Democrat from Lincoln
25 - Kite lake lower left, Democrat and side of Cameron on the way to Bross
26 - Kite lake, Democrat and Cameron from Bross, top bit was closed, private
27 - Coming down from Bross, it took an hour to get down the ridge, down the gully and to here. Slippery and rocky !!!
28 - Kite Lake, Democrat, Cameron and Bross, Lincoln hidden by the ridge
29 - Waterfall from the Bross gulley
30 - The gulley continues, now a slot canyon.
31 - Trip Stats, a lot of stopped time, aka resting time
32 - Screen of my phone displaying route using the Backcounty Navigator, a GREAT app!
33 - Google Earth view of the trip
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