July 2016 with Roy
Met Roy in Woodland Park. Pictures of some of our travels. Me in my new Miata or camper; Roy in his teardrop
(sold it in Pagosa Springs) or van.
1 - Camping above Woodland Park
2 - North Catamount Reservoir on the way up Pike's Peak
3 - Hiking on our way up Pike's Peak
4 - Pike's Peak Highway
5 - Pike's Peak Railway
6 - View from the top of Pike's Peak
7 - 11 Mile Canyon
8 - View from our 11 Mile Canyon campsite
9 - Hiking above 11 mile Canyon
10 - Many miles of dirt roads; with my new Miata
11 - Wash Me!
12 - Bishops Castle, Colorado 165, above Rye; found this while dodging wildfires
13 - Colorado National Monument, Olympus camera multi image stitch
14 - Colorado National Monument, LG G3 cell phone camera, panorama mode
15 - Colorado National Monument
16 - Colorado National Monument
17 - Colorado National Monument
18 - The Snowy Range with snow, southern Wyoming, this was taken July 28th
19 - The Snowy Range, Sugarloaf Mountain front, Medicine Bow Peak back
20 - After Roy left, I decided to climb to the highest one, Medicine Bow Peak
21 - Almost to the summit
22 - Not yet
23 - From Medicine Bow Peak
24 - Me, with an Extra Gold
25 - Sugar Loaf Mountain way below on lower left
26 - On the way down
27 - On the way down, forgot my skis
28 - Met Roy in Woodland Park (7/8/16 for 3 nights; wild fires cut our camping short)
29 - Roy headed to Michigan from the Snowy Range, Wyoming, Box 20 (7/23/16 for 6 nights)
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